Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Great Darke County Fair

Last night we went to the fair.  Vera didn't go to the fair last year because she was really small, so this was her very first fair experience.  Her head was on a swivel the entire time, checking everything out and watching all of the people. 

We ate first, and Vera enjoyed some chicken from dad's fajita.  I had a chicken gyro and we shared some deep fried cheese curds.  They were delicious!  Before we went home, I had an apple dumpling and Vera had some icecream. 
She's saying "cheese."  Can you tell?

We checked out the farm machinery and Vera sat on some tractors. She thought it was pretty cool to play with all of the knobs and buttons on the machinery.

Dad climbed up first and then mom handed her up.  It sure was a big combine!

Vera and dad checked it all out!

We went through all of the animal barns and I got to see lots of my students' animal projects.  We saw the cows, piggies, sheep, goats and rabbits.  Catey, a very sweet student of mine, got her bunny out so Vera could pet it.  She giggled when she touched the rabbit the first time.  Thanks Catey! 

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