Friday, October 19, 2012

It's A Boy!

Blake Michael Homan was born on his due date,Thursday, October 18 at 9:28 am.  He weighed in at a healthy 8 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20 inches long.  He is the sweetest, most precious little guy!

We went to the hospital to see Mandy, Jeff and little Blake.  Adam was out of town on business, so Vera and I went to visit with my parents and Steve & Lindsey.  Blake was wide awake and alert while we visited.  He has really pretty complexion and a nice amount of brown hair.  Vera was really good at the hospital, and didn't really pay attention to Blake.  She was much too busy doing other things.  When Blake cried one time, she went running over to him to see what was up.  I know that Vera will love having a buddy to play with.  We have to work on his name though..sometimes she calls him "Vera" and sometimes "Bake." 

Papaw tried to entertain the busybody while we visited. 

Congratulations Mandy & Jeff!  You are going to be great parents!  God has given the best gift!

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