We tried to teach Vera this little rhyme. She caught on to the "trick or treat" part, which is the most important part, right? We took her out on Sunday for a little trick or treat. She wasn't too fond of her costume, but once she had it on for a bit, she was fine. Our first stop was grandma & grandpa Pearson's house where we also saw uncle Brian. Then we stopped by Patty's house and also got to see Kristina. Then we headed north to grandma and grandpa Otte's house. On our way home, we popped in to see Uncle Steve & Aunt Lindsey in the milking parlor. Vera received nice trick or treat gifts from everyone. From grandma & grandpa Pearson: some spider rings, two hair barrettes, raisins, and fruit snacks. From Patty & Kristina: plenty of smarties and sweet tarts. From grandma and grandpa Otte: a book, fruit snacks. From aunt Mandy, uncle Jeff, and cousin Blake: goldfish crackers and fruit cups. From Aunt Karen: Minnie Mouse socks. Thanks to everyone for the nice treats and gifts!

Vera also got to hold her cousin Blake for the first time. She did really well. She touched his "pumpkin toes" and his soft hair. I was very pleasantly surprised at how nice she was. Overall, she didn't pay much attention to him.
Trick or treating is exhausting. Notice the smarties in the death grip.
The trip from Versailles to my parents' house. A tired little monkey! |
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