Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

We are patiently awaiting for the newest addition to our family, baby Homan!  Mandy is due this week (Thursday I think?)  I'm getting really excited!  Adam thinks it's going to be a boy.  I thought it was a boy for a long time, but recently I've changed my mind.  The way Mandy looks makes me think that it's a girl right now.  Either way, Vera is going to love having a cousin to play with at grandma's house & I am looking forward to having a niece or nephew to spoil and love!  Good luck Mandy & Jeff!  We can't wait to hear....

Vera & Aunt Mandy at the pumpkin patch.  Mandy is five days from her due date.  You can't even tell she's pregnant here, can you?

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