She is talking (constantly) in full sentences now. She repeats us like crazy, and it is almost making us crazy! But there are lots of cute and innocent things that come out of her mouth too. I always wonder where she would've seen/heard certain things, but she is certainly a little sponge absorbing (and remembering!) everything around her. For example, the other day we were reading a pirate book and she told me that the ship on one of the pages was the Jolly Roger. What 22 month old knows this? Just tonight, Adam went up to Vera, shook her hand and said, "Hi Vera, I'm dad. Nice to meet you!" Her response, "Your name is Adam." haha
She has been really into singing songs lately. When she sings, she usually shouts at the top of her voice the words to the song. Her favorite song is ABCs. She can also sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat (so funny because she always puts too many "merrilies" in), Itsy Bitsy Spider (which she calls Itsy Itsy Spider), Five Little Monkeys (complete with finger pointing at the end), Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Rock A Bye Baby (she sings rock a bye Tater Bug), and she can also sing parts of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Doc McStuffins theme songs. She's a little shakey on Old McDonald Had a Farm, but she can do it with some help. She LOVES to play Ring Around the Rosey too. Last week I think we played every night! Patty taught her most of these songs, but we do lots of singing in the car and at home too.
Vera's still not the best at using her silverware to eat. She'll do it if we make her, but she'd rather eat with her hands. As you can see, she's still pretty good at making a mess! She still loves Mac & Cheese and hot dogs. Other favorites are blueberries, rice, peas, popcorn, and of course fruit snacks. She still won't eat grapes, yogurt, applesauce, or cheese. To me, those are easy kid favorites. We also have trouble getting her to eat meat. She will eat hot dogs, cold meat, and sometimes chicken. Any other beef or pork is out of the question.
She's sat on the potty a few times with success. I made her a sticker chart and each time she goes on the potty she gets a sticker. She has 2 stickers and she's very proud of them! She sometimes asks for more stickers, but I don't think she understands yet how to earn them. Just today she told me she needed a dry "dopper." Another sign that she's ready for the potty. I think Patty sits them on the potty at least once per day to get used to it. I bought her some Minnie panties. Vera calls them underpants.
Coloring is still a favorite too. She's getting a lot better at scribbling. Her crayons (see earlier post) are in sad shape, with only 3 of the original 8 that haven't been broken. But, we still use them...several times per week. She often bosses us, telling us to color and what color to use. Her table and chairs from Uncle Brian has seen lots of use with tea parties and coloring. When we color, we always practice spelling her name. She knows that V-E-R-A spells her name. She can say it, and she tries to write it.
Vera knows all of her colors very well. It's hard to trick her with them anymore. She also knows all of her shapes, and she can recognize them in her environment. Today at the doctor's office she recognized the ceiling tiles and told me they were squares. Patty can take all the credit for this. She is the best!
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