Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Spring couldn't come soon enough for the Pearson family!  We have so enjoyed our time outside recently.  Here's a photo update...

This little girl loves her coupe!  She can drive it by herself this year...backwards only.

Our spring flowers were really pretty this year!

Daffodils remind me of our car ride home from the hospital with newborn Vera.

I tried to get Vera's picture with the daffodils.  She was more worried about swatting and picking at them.

Vera insisted on "helping" me clip the tulips.  When I looked over, she had the stems broken off two of them.  Ugh!  I really like tulips too.  This is how I get to enjoy them...

This is Papaw's "truck."  It was sprinkling when this picture was taken.  But, grandma and papaw insisted on a little ride.   And yes, that sweatshirt Vera is wearing is from cerca 1985.

Showing off her muscles.  Hooray for springtime jammies!

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