Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Photo Update

 Vera has shown a real interest in the alphabet lately.  I think this could be because she's started working on letters and sounds at Patty's house.  We played the letter puzzle on Friday night, and Vera can recognize several of her letters.  She surprised Adam and I.

 Last Saturday, Vera and I visited grandma and grandpa's house.  Blake was there and these two munchkins had fun playing together.  Blake is growing big and so funny.  We can't believe he'll be a year old next month!
 On Sunday, I went shopping with my mom and Mandy.  Although Vera is a little peanut, I did find a few fall outfits that should fit her.  She was especially excited about these boots that I got for her.  She wore them for 2 hours without socks and refused to take them off.  Her feet were a little stinky when she did agree to take them off.

We made it through 9 days of school before I had to use a sick day to be home with this little girl.  We were up most of the night with a vomiting girl, but about 6 hours later she seemed to perk up and feel better. 

It has been exceptionally hot this week.  I happened to notice this in the afternoon on the day I was home with Vera.

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