Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Many of you remember me blogging about "Charlie," the student that graduated in the spring.  Myself, along with many other teachers, gave him a much-needed boost as a graduation gift at the end of the school year.  Over the summer, I often wondered what Charlie was up to.  Periodically, I'd see Charlie's step dad around town, and I'd hope that Charlie escaped his crummy home life.

Charlie stopped by school today.  He looked good and seemed happy.  He shared with us that he's working at Weavers in Versailles full time on third shift; he's been there more than 2 months.  Over the summer he was able to get his drivers license, and he's saving up to buy a car.  I asked him if he gets a ride to work.  He shared that his friend's grandmother has lent him her van so he can get to work each night.  Wow!  What a kid.  He's truly an example of doing his best with what little he has. 

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