Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happy Autumn!

I really love fall.  It's nice to have crisp mornings and warm sunny days.  I also love fall decorations, and watching nature's beauty as the leaves change.  However, it's sometimes bittersweet because I know that when fall comes around, winter is knocking on our door.  It seems like it got cold really quickly, or at least faster than I was ready this year.  It also seems that the leaves were really late to fall this year. 

We finally went out last weekend to rake leaves and jump in them.  We'd been talking about jumping in leaves for a few weeks, but it never seemed like we had enough to make it worth our time to rake. 

We ran out of daylight very quickly, and it was really cold by the time we were done.  Vera had to wear mittens because her poor little fingers were frozen. 

She had so much fun picking up small bunches of leaves and making her own small piles all over the yard.  It was quite counterproductive for her mom and dad, but she had fun!

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