Monday, December 14, 2015

So Sleepy

5.5 weeks
Hair is falling out on the sides
Full belly = Sleepy girl
6 weeks
She woke up way too early one morning, so I snuggled her in bed with me.  She slept here for 2 more hours.
Car rides always put her to sleep.  Here she's sleeping off her first round of baby shots.  She handled them like a champ!
9.5 weeks
This girl only sleeps well if she's swaddled tight.  She loves warm cuddles.
9 weeks
This happens a lot.  Annie is always the last one we put to bed, and we fall asleep easily while rocking.  The house is quiet and we're exhausted!
almost 10 weeks
Maybe I only think to take pictures of her when she's asleep because things are quiet, calm and peaceful?  Sometimes I think pictures of them asleep truly show their looks because they're still and calm.  I also love taking pictures of my sleeping kids because there's just something about watching your child sleep...

Though it may not look like it from these sleepy pictures, little Annie has become so alert and smiley lately.  She loves to have someone talk to her and she gives big wide smiles quite generously.  She's also starting to give soft coos and gurgles, which are simply adorable.

At her 2 month well check, Annie weighed 10 lbs. 9 oz. which is the 24%tile.  She took a little dive off the curve, so we're working on beefing her weight up a little.  On the other hand, her length of 24.5" is in the 99%tile.  What a shock to have such a long baby!  I washed and put away her 0-3 month sleepers.  They're just not long enough anymore.  She fills out the 6 month sleepers quite well.

Around 9 weeks, she started to really kick and interact with her toys more.  She likes her playmat; sometimes can bat at a toy and then watch intently as they move.

We still don't know who she looks like.  I think she looks like Vera sometimes, but then other days I'm not so sure.  I don't think Annie got the blue eye trait like her mama and siblings.  It's looking like her eyes will be brownish.

She's such a good little baby.  She really only cries when she's hungry or tired.  I was telling my pediatrician how sometimes I feel bad for her because sometimes she gets lost in the shuffle of our crazy household.  The pediatrician said that we're just teaching her to be flexible.  haha  It makes me feel a little better that she does get peace and quiet at home with just me during the day.  In the evenings, it's seldom peaceful and quiet.  But, she can sleep through all kinds of noise.  She's used to being stuffed in her car seat every single day as we run Vera to school and Vince to Patty's.  A pacifier usually soothes her when she does start to fuss.

We are so thankful for a happy, healthy and super sweet little girl!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

So Thankful

I could blog all day and night about all of the things in my life that I have to be thankful for.  We had a nice Thanksgiving this year, though it was busy, just as all holidays are when you have small kids!  Vera brought this paper home from preschool, and it made my heart smile.  I can't believe she's writing words all on her own already.  I'll be hanging this one next to my desk at school to cherish for days and years to come.  :)  I really am so very blessed!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"That Kid"

Some of my posts on this blog aren't always our proudest moments.  But, I always tell myself that I have to document these things for memory's sake.  Here's one of those posts...

A while back, Mrs. Wynk, Vera's preschool teacher, sent me pictures of Vera and her friends at school.  I started to notice that in a lot of the pictures she had the same sweatshirt on, even though the pictures are from different days and weeks.  The sweatshirt was supposed to be her jacket for the day.  I finally asked Vera if she wears her sweatshirt all day at school, and she told me yes.  I didn't think too much of it, until Mrs. Wynk shared one morning at drop-off that Vera never wants to take her coat off and she normally wears it all day.  They said she tells them that she's cold, even though it was September and early October.  It wasn't chilly outside during the day and the other kids were wearing no coat at recess.  One day I went to pick Vera up in the afternoon, and I could see her through her classroom window.  She had her warm fleece coat zipped to her neck and her hood up.  I laughed to myself, almost in embarrassment.  I came home and told Adam that she is "that kid" that wears her coat all day at school.

Is anyone surprised that she also wears dress-up skirts at preschool?
Lately, I've made sure to dress her warmer or make sure she has a sweater or light jacket to wear, especially now that it is legitimately cold outside.

Since the first day of school, Vera has come home with markers and paint on her clothes.  Usually nothing major.  Those stains wash easily.  But, sometimes she comes home with her lunch on her shirt too.  One day she came home with baked beans all over her dress.  Then this happened...

Any secrets on how to clean ketchup and mustard from a white sweatshirt?

She says her hotdog "slipped out of the bun" and fell on her shirt.  I can just imagine her yacking away and not paying attention at all to her food.  I can also visualize an excessive amount of condiments on the sandwich.  Doesn't surprise me a bit that this happened.  She was a bit ashamed of her mess when I picked her up.  Adam and I couldn't help but laugh as she told us what happened.  And, we laughed in embarrassment that our kid is "that kid" who wears her lunch on her shirt.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

This Boy...

Vince is one of a kind.  You just never know what's going to happen next.  Here's the latest...

He is obsessed with wearing shoes.  If his aren't around, he will wear anyone's.
Vera took her shoes off at the end of the day.  Vince insisted in having them on.  Adam put them on and the silly boy walked around, rather well, for at least an hour.  It was hilarious to watch him walk.

Then he spotted my shoes one evening.  He is so persistent in trying to get the shoes on himself.  When that doesn't work out, he brings them to us and jabbers something indicating he wants them on.  It's always Adam that gives in and puts the shoes on him.  This was a riot.  He walked around so cautiously, and thought he was such a big shot.  Having us laugh at him only encouraged him more.  He was not happy when we made him take them off.  No need to land in the ER.

I turned my back for just one second and this happened...

He was in Vera's room with the door closed playing.  Next thing I know, he's in the bathroom screaming.  He grabbed my hair straightener.  :(  Talk about feeling like the worst mom ever!  He cried and cried after it happened.  He wouldn't let us run cold water or put ice on it.  We resorted to filling an uninsulated sippy with ice and water and letting him carry it around.  I sprayed Dermoplast on it and gave him some Tylenol, and once the stinging stopped, he was fine.  The next day, he woke up with this huge blister.  I haven't noticed him bothered by it, and he uses his left hand like normal.  It will be interesting to see what happens when the blister pops.  There's no way he will leave a bandage on.  I mean, he hates to wear a hat, refuses to wear a bib, or even have his sleeves pushed up to eat.  Forget about a bandage.  I guess we'll focus on keeping it clean and try some ointment or essential oils.  One thing at a time...  

He is still very busy, but he is starting to sit for short spells and read books, play nicely, or watch TV.  Just today he watched Paw Patrol for about 10 minutes.  Yesterday when he woke up, he laid with me on the couch for about 5 minutes.  I'll take whatever snuggle time I can get with him.  He is a sweet boy, albeit ornery, sweet too!  

Aww!  :)

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Little Annie was baptized on Sunday, November 15 after mass.  Although Father was a bit scattered during the baptism, she had a lovely day for her first sacrament, and we had a nice party with family after.

Anne Marie looking so pretty in her fancy gown.

Blake, Bailey and Vera were Father's helpers during the baptism.  He even let them hold and handle the Holy Chrism.  Father was quite trusting of them, because everyone else was nervous as Vera and Bailey carried around the glass vessel of sacred oil.

Little Annie didn't make a sound as the water was poured over her head.

So many little ones!  Mandy, Mindy and the grandparents did their best to keep them all entertained.  The snacks were completely gone by the end.  I heard they were eating them by the handfuls.  :)

Steve & Lindsey are Annie's Godparents.  She asked them to be her sponsors all by herself...

Annie is Grandma Otte's 19th great grandchild.

Her cake turned out so pretty!

God Bless You, Anne Marie as you begin your Christian journey.  You are a blessing to our family!

Breakfast With Santa

Versailles had their Hometown Christmas Weekend recently.  The Eagles sponsored a Breakfast With Santa, so we joined Grammy, Papa and Bailey for a Saturday morning breakfast.

Bailey and Vera both walked right up to Santa and talked to him.  One thing that I caught Vera tell Santa is that she would like a bike for Christmas.  Vinners, on the other hand, did not enjoy his encounter with Santa.  Here's a series of pictures to tell the story...

Vera is nervous because she's playing with her hands.

You better not pout...

...You better not cry.

Maybe we'll see Santa again in a few weeks and give it another try.  I'm not going to hold my breath that Vin will enjoy him anymore than he did here.