Monday, April 27, 2015

The Circus Came to Town

We didn't join, but I know we'd fit right in!  Grandma, Mandy, Blake, Vera and I went to the circus at the fairgrounds at the end of March.

The first act was lions and tigers.  It was pretty impressive watching these massive animals listen to their master.

We also saw camels, horses, and elephants.  Though we didn't pay to ride the elephant, it was fun to watch them.

Vera said her favorite part of the circus was the clown.  I liked the lions and tigers.  It was a little chilly inside the show arena, but we dressed for the weather.  Like all such events, there were plenty of vendors selling all kinds of things:  snow cones, popcorn, flashlights, glow sticks, coloring books, "paint face" (as Vera called it) and plenty of others.  Vera pointed out each and every vendor and asked for whatever they were selling.  Typical Vera to be fascinated and attracted to vendors selling expensive food and junk.  Typical mom to not give in and buy anything.  :)

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