Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Easter!

Around mid-March, my school hosted a spring bazaar which kicked off our Easter celebrations.  The Easter Bunny made an appearance.  Vera was not a fan, which surprised me because she's never been afraid of characters before.  It took a little convincing and time to "warm up" to the idea.  She started with a high five, and then eventually we convinced (forced?) her to sit with her brother.  Vince thought it was great fun to play with the bunny's paws.

We visited the egg hunt in town on Saturday before Easter.  It was chilly, but Vera found her friends and gathered up plenty of eggs.  Each egg was filled with a dime, and Vera thought it was cool to add them to her piggy bank.

Shortly after the egg hunt, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Otte's house for the family Easter.  We had another egg hunt outside and it was chilly!  Vera and Blake were sure to share their eggs and treats with their baby cousins Nora, Scarlett, Cohen and Vince.

She just can't look at the camera!
Grandma also had the idea to take some family pictures.  It went as well as it could go with six little ones.  I think the outtakes are funnier than the good poses.  Every time I look at them, I laugh!

Poor Nora Belle.  lol  Cohen was screaming, if I remember right.  Papaw was easily distracted.
 So we took a little break...

Cohen, Karen, Blake and Scarlett

Aww!  Cute picture!!  Blake, Scarlett, Papaw, Nora and Vera

Vinners is the only mobile baby for  now.

...then we tried again with the pictures.

It turned out a little better.

This one is cute!  Nora just loves her papaw.
Cohen, Vera, Grandma and Scarlett
Grandma and Grandpa had an Easter bucket for everyone.  All of the kiddos got PJs and other small surprises.

Like most years, Vera's birthday falls right around Easter, so we had a little mini celebration for her birthday.  
Dad & little brother getting ready to sing to Vera Lou.

After we sang, Vera opened her cards and gifts.  She got some clothes from grandma and grandpa and some dresses, dive sticks and goggles from aunt Karen.

On Sunday morning, we woke to realize the Easter Bunny had paid a visit.  The kids must've been good. Vince found new pacifiers and some yogurt puffs in his basket.  Vera had a basket of Frozen goodies, some books, hair bows, glow sticks and sweets.

We got everyone all dressed up for church.  It was crowded, but everyone was pretty good.

After church, we headed to grammy and papa's for Easter.  As in years past, we celebrated Vera and Bailey's birthdays with some cupcakes and surprises.  Vera even had to go on a scavenger hunt that Uncle Brian put together.  The treasure at the end of the hunt?  Pickles, of course!  haha  Vera also unwrapped a basket full of outdoor toys--a kickball, jump rope, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and kite.  There was an outfit and also a game from her grandparents.  Spoiled girl!

I think this picture is adorable.  They both hid their eyes while their birthday surprises were being brought out!

We had an egg hunt later, and it was nearly catastrophic when Vera got hung-up in the rose bush.  Even Vinners found his blue eggs!

We finished our Easter celebration with the Bertke family a week later.  It was a warm day, and it was nice to see everyone.  There were babies everywhere! :)  Another egg hunt was held (because we really needed more eggs!)

It was a busy two weeks, but we had a nice Easter with our families!

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