Thursday, May 28, 2015

10 Months

The little rascal is almost 11 months old already.  Mr. Vin had a lot of milestones in his 10th month of life.

 At 10 months, I would describe him as observant, needy and rotten.  His head is always turning as he looks toward loud noises, action and people.  He likes to be outside when he has people and things to watch.  The traffic and farm machinery going by our house fascinate him.  He is also needy.  When he wants something,  you know it.  When he is tired or hungry, there's no question, and don't bother holding him off or distracting him.  Guaranteed to lose.  In the evenings, he often follows me around the house like a puppy because he wants to be held.  Not only does he want to be held, but he wants to stand and move around while holding him.  Sitting on the couch or rocking in the chair is not an option.

One thing that hasn't changed is that he's still army crawling everywhere, and he's fast at it too!  Adam just said this week that he's like a little spider that creeps right by you.  Since he's started wearing shorts, his legs and arms have become irritated from scooting across the floor.  But, this month he did learn to go from a crawling to sitting up position.  It was a slow process at first, but he's speedy at it now.  He can also put his knees underneath himself and reach up for things from a kneeling position.  A few times, we've even seen him pull himself up on furniture.  We're starting to lose hope that he's going to actually crawl.  He can get everywhere he wants to go by scooting, he's mastered sitting from crawling, and he's starting to pull himself up.  If he does crawl, I think it will be short-lived.  He can stand along furniture a little, but sometimes he gets mad because he doesn't know how to fall down and crawl to what he wants.  

 He's still a good sleeper at night.  During the school year, he's in bed between 7:30 and 8.  Sometimes I have to wake him up at 6:30, but most days he hears me moving around and wakes up on his own.  Unless he's really tired, forget about rocking him to sleep in a calm and quiet manner.  Most nights, it's a fight which eventually leads to him being tossed in bed awake.  He is not a fan of rocking and snuggling.

This month, Vin also cut three new teeth.  He now has five total, three on the bottom and two on top.  It was rough getting the two front teeth.  He developed a nasty runny nose and barking cough which eventually led to a double ear infection.  With a few doses of antibiotic, he was back to his old, ornery self again.  One positive that came from the cold and ear infection: he's much less interested in his pacifier.  Previously, he'd suck on his paci all day long if you'd let him.  When he got sick, he couldn't breathe with the paci.  Now, he mostly takes it when he's tired or really fussy.  

Vinners graduated to a big car seat this month.  He was too heavy for me to handle in the infant carrier, so we bought Vera a new booster seat, and Vince went to Vera's convertible car seat.  His little feet were also touching the back of the seat in the car, so it was definitely time to move on.  The first days he rode forward-facing, He. Loved. It!  He kicked and smiled and jabbered the whole ride.  

We offered Vin a sippy cup for the first time too.  Initially, he made a big mess with it.  But now, he opens wide when we offer it to him; he caught on very quickly to the concept of a sippy.  He mostly drinks juice or water from a cup right now.  We've tried formula a time or two, and he's not a fan.  Speaking of, he's still picky about a cold bottle.  He prefers it to be warmed and takes it much better that way.  He likes all kinds of baby food, and especially likes his cereal in the evenings before bed.  He's had graham crackers, regular crackers, Cheerios and wheels, but he makes a big crumby mess and squishes most of the food instead of eating it.  Lately, he's become less interested in puffs, but he still loves yogurt melts.  We've offered him numerous different table foods, and the reaction is the same every time: a sour face and immediately spitting it out.  It's as if he doesn't even take the time to taste the food and immediately spits it out because he doesn't like the texture.  We joke that if we threw all of the food on the floor, he'd eat it because any crumb or piece of dirt he finds on the floor, he sticks in his mouth.  He likes applesauce from a small container and recently he ate a small green bean and a bite of strawberry.  Adam gave him some jello, and he did eat that too.  Ever so slllloooowwwwllly he's learning to eat table foods.  I guess we'll keep offering it until he decides it's worth tasting and enjoying.  

We love the little monster to pieces.  How dull life would be without his personality, buzz-cut hair, 5 tooth grin, and rotten boy-like behavior.  I wish he'd stay small and squishy forever.

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