Saturday, August 5, 2017

Summer Softball

Vera's been exploring so many new opportunities in the last several months.  In the month of June, she completed her first year of Versailles Girls Youth Softball in the Tiger League.  She was really excited each week.  I attribute some of her excitement to her dad being her coach.  There were also a number of girls on her team that were in her Kindergarten class.  She told me that she had the best coach this year.  Even though Adam was a little nervous about working with 6 year-old girls for 3 hours per week, it turned out to be really successful.  I think he and the girls had a good time.

All ready for the first practice.  She came outside to leave and Vince ran toward her and asked, "That you, Vay?"  lol 

Yes, there was playing in the dirt.  Vera wasn't quite as guilty as some of her teammates when it came to dirt-playing.  Cute!

For a week in July, Vera went to Camp Laffalot.  Initially when I signed her up, I thought it'd be traditional camp activities -- crafts, songs, games, snacks, etc.  But, I learned quickly that Camp Laffalot is games for 5 hours per day.  Most of the games were phys. ed. style games--dodge ball, flag football, Capture the Flag, obstacle course, parachute, wiffle ball, etc.  I was a little hesitant about Vera's ability and interest in participation for 5 days.  It turned out to be a great experience for her.  She was excited to go each morning, and she commented that it was better than staying home with mom, Vince and Annie.  Our friend, Kelly, was the director of the camp.  She shared some cute stories about Vera at camp.  When they played dodge ball, Vera was always the last one out on her team because no one wanted to throw the ball at her.  In flag football, she shared that no one ever ripped her flags off because no one ever gave her the ball.  Though she was very accepting of this, it was a little bit heartbreaking for Adam and I to hear her stories.  Kelly assured us that she had a good time, tried her best, and participated willingly each day.  You make me proud, Vera, that you are always willing to try.

As summer winds down, we are looking toward Vera's newest endeavor--soccer!  Practices start in about a week.  I bought her some second-hand soccer cleats, and she was thrilled!  Stay tuned for an update on how soccer turns out...

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