Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Just the beginning...

Tonight Adam was fixing his bike in the garage and Vera was playing. I was in the house picking up. I went outside to find Vera BLACK. Hands, pants, coat and face. Adam said he wasn't quite sure how she got so dirty. (I'm not quite sure Adam was watching her!)  He thought maybe she was playing around the tires of my car. Hmmm...

Then we discovered this:
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She was covered in black from the exhaust of my car!  Gross!  Adam had to use a coat hanger to fish the rocks out because his hands certainly aren't as small as Vera's.  I guess it's a good thing we discovered this before we drove off in the car.  This is just the beginning of her mischief outside!
She also tromped around in the mud puddles with her boots.  She was so filthy when she came in the house tonight.  She had mud slatters on the hood of her coat.  Her pants may be ruined, but she had fun.  Getting dirty is part of being a kid, right? 

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