Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Hawaiian King and Queen

Back in January, grandma and Aunt Karen vacationed in Hawaii.  (What lucky ducks!)  They brought back two adorable outfits for two adorable kids.  Last weekend, Grandma wanted them to try them on and take some pictures.

Vera was pretty excited about her dress.  She announced that she was the queen.  Blake, being the typical 18 month-old that he is, wasn't too excited about being the King, and we had a short spell of crying and resistence.  As this was going on, Vera was very concerned about the King not being in the pictures with her. 

Here are the many attempts at the Hawaiian King and Queen...

Blake has had enough and says "See ya later, Queen!"

Aunt Karen wanted some pics with them, and resorted to tickling to get them to sit still.  This my favorite.  Look at their giggle faces! :)

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