Friday, April 25, 2014

Still cooking...

Vera's birthday marked week number 28.  Around that same time, I went for my second 1 hour glucose screen of this pregnancy.  Dr. Bachman implied that I am at a high-risk for gestational diabetes when I was under her care at the beginning of this pregnancy.  Because I failed the 1 hour screen with Vera, her birth weight was so large, and I have a family history of large babies, she wanted me to do a screen at the very beginning of my pregnancy and then another around the standard 28 weeks.  I had a lot of anxiety about the test because I absolutely did not want to fail and have to go for a 3 hour screen.  I'm happy to report that my blood sugar came back at 98, which is fairly low.  Dr. Train said she likes for pregnant women to have their levels below 135.  What a relief to make it past that hurdle!  Dr. Train says my next hurdle is delivery.  I say the next hurdle is the Group B Strep test.  The hurdle after that is making sure baby is in the right position for delivery.  Then, delivery will be the final hurdle.

At my doctor's appointments within the last 2 months, I'm measured right on schedule.  Blood pressure is very good, and at my appointment in March, I had only gained 11 pounds, which Dr. Train also commended.  She told me that I wouldn't gain as much weight as what I did with Vera.  I asked her if I could have that in writing.  The baby's heartbeat is right around 150-160 consistently, which is about what it was with Vera.  

28 weeks 0 days.  Vera's 3rd birthday
And on Easter Sunday I hit the 30 week milestone.  (Picture to come soon!)  Although overall I'm doing well, I must say that the true aches and pains of pregnancy have reared their ugly head.  The lower back pain has been a nagging ail.  My hips have not been right since I gave birth to Vera, so that pain is escalating as I grow.  It's starting to get more difficult to sleep comfortably.  My legs started cramping at night about 6 weeks ago, just like they did with Vera.  Adam says that I am totally different with this pregnancy than I was with Vera.  He says everything seems to be a struggle for me lately.  I will admit that I am more tired, sore, and slow-moving than I was before.  I attribute a lot of that to having a 3 year-old to care for during this pregnancy that I didn't have with the last.  Though I love her to pieces, it goes without saying that she requires a lot of energy and time on a daily basis. Life is busier now...and about to get busier!

I have had such a hard time staying away from sweets, especially in this third trimester.  I could eat ice cream daily.  Cookies, cake and candy could serve as meals for me.  I've really been trying to keep it in-check.  Some days I do well, and other days are epic fails when it comes to sweets!  I must say that all of the Easter candy and sweet treats at family parties haven't helped.

If this baby is born anytime soon, it shall be nameless.  Adam and I cannot come up with a name that we agree on.  He has many suggestions and so do I, but very few that we both approve.  Within the last week, we both feel good about a girl's name that we like.  I think naming a child is so very difficult.  I want something reasonable, easy to spell and pronounce, but also unique and un-popular.  One of these days a solid boy's name will come to us...let's hope. 

I feel like I'm carrying this baby a little lower than I remember with Vera.  My shirts already feel like they aren't long enough.  We compared pictures from my pregnancy tonight.  I asked Adam if I looked the same.  His immediate response was that my hair was shorter then.  Thanks Adam, but I was really asking about the baby belly.  Then he commented that I look about the same then and now.

Though we're anxious to meet the newest member of our family, keep cooking a while longer, little one!

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