Friday, April 25, 2014

A "New" Swing Set

Shortly before Easter, Adam had the idea to revamp Vera's swing set to make it a little bigger and nicer.  It's in desperate need of repainting and/or restaining, so we figured this would be a good time to do some work to it.  I have to say that I had a hard time visualizing Adam's plan, but he did an awesome job, and it turned out so well!  He worked hard over Easter weekend to get the construction all done.  Vera loves her new swing set, and I'm certain that it will provide hours and years of fun for Vera!  Now we just need some warm and dry weather to get it all sanded and stained.

Vera spent lots of time outside "helping" with the project.

I loved how she waited and watched patiently until it was finished.  She just couldn't wait for the steps to be done.

And when dad gave her the green light, she excitedly climbed to the top.
My favorite picture.
The finished project. 

The telescope (in Vera's words the otoscope) helps watch for pirates, crocodiles, and other intruders.

Vera thinks it's so cool to climb the stairs.  The "special effects" in the background are courtesy of the trash-burner.

Mom and Vera's shadow play.
And the steering wheel to drive the ship is also plenty of fun.

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