Friday, April 25, 2014

Meet Sparky

Right after Vera's birthday, another new swing came in the mail for us to add to her swing set. 

Meet Sparky the horse.  From the first minutes Vera started swinging, she decided that this was her horse and without hesitation, she named him Sparky.  Sparky is Sheriff Callie's horse on one of her favorite cartoons.  She has a song that she sings (from the cartoon) while she rides, and usually while we swing we have to stop and feed Sparky some apples or carrots. 

When it was time to come inside for the first time after we hung Sparky, Vera wanted to take the swing down and put it inside because she didn't think Sparky could hang outside all night in the dark and cold.  Adam coaxed her into leaving it outside, so she gave him a hug and kiss before heading in the house for the night instead. 

Since then, Sparky is a huge hit.  When she rides, she almost always says she needs a hat (to resemble a true cowgirl.) 

Vera also has her new green swing, which is named Clementine.  Clementine is Deputy Peck's horse on the same cartoon.  Clementine is a good horse, but not nearly as faithful and fun as Sparky.

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