Monday, August 24, 2015


It's amazing what we can get done when we stay home on the weekends.  Our office is finally finished!  We're so happy with how it turned out.  It only took me about two days to unbox everything and fill the cabinets.  I'm happy to say that there's still plenty of extra room.

Counter top is in.  Next step is hardware for doors and drawers.
Adam did 90% of the work himself, or with the help of friends and family.  He did an awesome job!

We were fairly unimpressed when, about 3 days after the project was finished, we had a monsoon rain and water in our basement.  It managed to come through our brand new floor in the office.  I wasn't happy when I stepped in the puddle when walking in the office to grab something.  I guess there's not much you can do when 2.5" of rain come in less than an hour.  Sigh....

Summer Is Winding Down

I always say I know when it's time to head back to school.  I say it every year.  It's time to get back to a routine and to get the kids around someone besides their mom.  Don't get me wrong, we've had a great summer, and I've so enjoyed being home with my kids.  But, I can always tell when it's time.  

We've done lots of running and had many weekends away from home this summer, either vacationing or camping.  Two weekends ago, we finished camping for the year.  I cleaned everything out, and the trailer is ready to be winterized and put away for the year.  Since then, I've spent my days and weekends at home tying up loose ends.  I've done a little shopping, made some plans for the baby (that will be here sooner than we all realize!), finished some projects, and done some school work.  Just today I did some good sweeping, dusting and wiping down around the house.  

Vera and Vince need to be around someone besides their mom.  (And I think their mom needs a little adult interaction, too!)  Preschool is going to do Vera a lot of good.  She needs to learn to listen to other adults, follow directions, and also to realize that everything is not always on her terms.  Vince needs to get back to Patty's to interact with someone else.  He's going through a needy phase right now, and he sure knows how to get what he wants.  There's no doubt in my mind that Patty will whip him right into shape! :)

But, we're savoring the last days of sleeping in, routine-free evenings, and fun around home.  It is going to be a big adjustment for everyone to get to bed early and get up early in the mornings!  Here's some pictures as we end our summer...

This is how Vinners feels about summer ending.  Actually, if you look closely, he's pretty beat up.  He went to Patty's for one day, and came home knowing how to crawl up the stairs.  We didn't realize he could do this, and that evening he took at least two spills down the stairs.  Notice the skinned nose, bruise above his eye, and red eye.  In an unrelated event, he also has ruptured a blood vessel in his eye.  We have no idea how that happened.  Probably one of the fits that he threw...  But we felt kind of bad because he looked pretty rough as we got him ready for bed that night.  We now have a gate at the top and the bottom of our stairs.
Vera hadn't played with her Jeep much over the summer.  Last weekend, she wanted it out.  We put Vince in with her, and they had a blast.  He loved riding along.  He managed to undo his seat belt, and I caught him standing up a time or two while Vera was driving.  Vera managed to crash into a few things while driving along.  Never a dull moment...
Here Vin is "talking on the phone."
Vera's ridiculous faces
An attempt to get them both looking with reasonable faces.  It is impossible.

We had a couple of really beautiful evenings last week.  The weather was cool and comfortable with a gentle breeze.  It was so nice to be outside.

Vin had enough for one day, but Vera really wanted to play in the sandbox--something else she hasn't done a lot this summer.  It's always been too wet, too hot, or we weren't home.  So, dad and Vince went in the house for a bath.  I sat on the patio and watched Vera play and play.  She chattered to herself the whole time, and I had fun watching her.

For our last Friday of summer, we joined Karen, Cohen, Mandy, Blake, Nora and Grandma for a park day.  We ate Subway in the shelter house, and then the kids played for a while.  It was another really pretty day, and the kids were all tired when we left.  

Everyone is growing so fast!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

A Summer of Camping

In total, we have gone camping 4 weekends this summer.  All (but one of the trips) have been a Thursday to Sunday outing.  Vera has had so much fun playing and enjoying the outdoors.  Vince is at a hard age to take camping.  He wants out and down to crawl and explore.  As each trip went by, it became harder and harder to keep him entertained.  Overall, he did very well sitting in his stroller and playing with toys in his inflatable "cage."  Both kids were great sleepers while camping, though Vince figured out how to undo the safety gate on his bunk about half way through summer.  Adam enjoyed cooking good food over the fire and the peace and quiet around the campfire.  I enjoyed a little downtime in a lawn chair and had fun watching my kids have fun.

These pictures are from our mid-July outing to St. Marys with the Bertke Family.  It should've been a trip to Huggy Bear, but due to excessive rain and flooding, St. Marys was plan B.  It was very wet and muddy the entire weekend, but we made the most of it.

Here's one of our great meals we enjoyed.  Jeff smoked brisket and Adam made hand cut french fries and onion rings.  Tasty!

Blake, Vera, Eli and Vince.  Notice how everyone is playing nicely except for Vince.  Story of the summer.
I take that back.  Here's evidence that he played nicely, just not for very long.
One morning, Vince woke up around 5:30 because he was cold.  We knew he wasn't ready to get up for the day, but in a camper, we have very limited options on how to put a child back to sleep.  So, Adam took him outside and started breakfast around 6:30.  Vince watched them build a fire and eventually fell asleep.  Adam parked him under the awning of the camper, and he slept like this for another 2 hours.
Typical Bertke family campfire.  Here they are fashioning something to hold the hotdog forks.
Our last camping trip was to Ouabache with the Magoteaux and Shardo families.  We had perfect weather and great campsites.  Everyone did lots of biking.  We were right next to the playground, and Vera spent about 50% of her days playing there.  She played there alone sometimes, or just made friends with the kids who were there at the time.

All smiles before bed one evening, even though he was exhausted.
Good morning, my little sunshines!
All the kids, minus Vince.
l to r: Salimah, Vera, Nolan, Ryan, Emerson, Ava and Reece
Instead of the pool one day, we rented paddle boats and enjoyed the lake.  Vince and I stayed behind for naps.  Thanks to Donneta for sharing these great pics.
Front: Adam and Ava
Back: Salimah and Vera

They also checked out the bison on their ride back.  Unfortunately the fire tower was closed for repairs, so the kids weren't able to climb to the top.

Even though camping is a lot of work for mom and dad, Vera has had a blast and Vince loves it outside.  We made many great camping memories this summer.

32 Weeks

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't believe I'm at 32 weeks already!  Our summer has gone by so quickly, and we've been so busy.  A 13 month-old son also has kept me on my toes, we haven't been home much, and I haven't taken the time to think about the weeks of pregnancy as they slip by.  Now that summer is slowing down (and coming to a close!) I have realized just how soon we will be a family of five.

I really haven't taken the time to get too many baby things ready yet.  Quite honestly, when it's baby number 3, how much is there to get ready?  I have all the "big stuff" that a newborn requires, and it's just a matter of pulling it out and washing it up.  The bigger priority has been getting our life ready for another baby.  I've started focusing on things like making sure my kids have clothes for fall, finishing up the office project, cleaning up and winterizing the camper, rearranging Vera's room to add a second crib and getting lesson plans ready for my sub.  Of course I do need to take a day and do some shopping for little newborn and mom essentials.  That won't be too hard.

As for 32 weeks of pregnancy, things are starting to get more difficult.  Sleep doesn't come as easily and I am awake for stretches throughout the night trying to get comfortable.  I am starting to swell a little more.  Some of my flip flops are too tight to wear and they pinch  my feet.  I quit wearing my rings about 2 weeks ago because they were also getting tight.  Dr. Buddhadev said that most of the swelling is attributed to the heat and not weight gain, though I'm sure it's a little of both.  Bending over and going up and down the stairs is becoming more exhausting.

So far, I've gained about 20 lbs, which is about what I gained with Vince.  I barely passed my glucose screen, but barely passing is better than having to do the 3 hour screen.  I'll take it.  My hemoglobin is slightly high, so I've been put on iron pills.  Dr. Buddhadev is so good about making sure that I don't encounter the nasty side effects of taking iron, which I'm especially thankful for.  At my appointment yesterday, I measured just a little larger than 32 weeks.  My blood pressure was also a little high.  Adam's comment was, "I can't imagine why your blood pressure would be up."  I hope he means that it's because I'm busy, on the go and exhausted at the end of the day.
Do you notice a trend?  Everything is "slightly, barely, or just a little."  Is that a male doctor's way of making a pregnant woman feel good?

We're still working on names.  Nothing has been decided--not even a middle name!  Just this week, Adam said that we need to make a priority that each of us narrows down to two names so we at least have working options.  I, myself, am struggling.  I have a few girl names that I really like, but still at a loss for a boy name.  As the days go by, I'm starting to think of names that I can really work with.  Everyone keeps asking if we're sticking with a "V" name.  I don't think we can keep that going; it was mostly a coincidence with the first 2.  Although, Vera is sure that she's going to have a sister and her name will be Valerie.  I don't know if we can guarantee that...we'll see.  Speaking of, Adam thinks it's going to be a girl.  And he reminded  me that he hasn't been wrong with his predictions yet.  Rosie said this week she thinks it will be a boy.  Some days I think it's a boy mostly by the way I am carrying.  But, from the beginning, I've thought it would be a girl.  Only God knows for sure...

Just like with my other pregnancies, I have a few maternity shirts that are already too short.  Some of the shorts are not as comfortable as they were before.  This is one such outfit that will be put away.  Too short, too uncomfortable...
32 weeks 1 day
32 weeks 3 days
The two pictures were taken only 2 days apart.  Amazing what a difference an outfit can make!
This pregnancy has been especially hard.  Physically it is demanding because summer is busy and my kids need my attention and time.  But emotionally, it's also been very tough.  I've been depressed about missing out on so many fun opportunities this summer.  Not being able to have fun like I  normally would, and watching others have a good time for months has been a personal struggle.  Last summer wasn't easy either, so I get especially discouraged some days.  This pregnancy has taught me a lot about accepting God's plan, even if it isn't always easy.  And in a few weeks, we will have a new, sweet child to love.  That's one of the best gifts life can give.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

July in Pictures

Vinners is as busy as ever!  He truly understands more and more each day.  He knows "So Big" and where to find his belly.  He also gives lots of snuggly hugs and says "ahh" while he's doing it.  He's cruising along furniture, standing alone, taking a few steps, and cutting more teeth.  
Oh yes, and he gets in to everything.  Here's one of his favorite places to play.
He still has such long eyelashes!
For his sister, dressing like a princess never, ever gets old.  She still dresses up almost everyday as she plays or watches TV.
Look at this hot dog!  He can make the tricycle go forward and backward with his feet.  He made his mom a little nervous that he would slip off and bust his head on the driveway.
Vera likes to look at pictures.  And, she's got her doc coat on here.  Always up to something pretend.
The day after Vince's birthday party.  No time for breakfast or getting dressed.  Too many new toys, so little time.  This may or may not have resulted in a few fighting episodes.

First Canoeing Trip

Vera and dad had the opportunity to go canoeing with friends one Monday evening.  Mom and Vince were sad to stay behind at home, but dad promised he'd take pictures.  She had fun telling me all about their trip when she got home.
*They drove in a big van with canoes on the roof to the river.
*It was really muddy when they put the canoes in the water.
*They were the only ones that had a blue canoe, and it had words on the side.  It was an awesome canoe.
*She collected leaves while they canoed.  Anytime there was a leaf floating in the water within an arm's reach, Vera snatched it and added it to her pile in the canoe.  Dad said she had quite the pile when they were done.
*They stopped two times to play in the water.
*There were lots of mosquitoes.  Good thing Kelly let them borrow some bug spray.

They canoed on the Stillwater River for about 2 hours.  Adam said Vera had her hand hanging over the canoe the whole time.  They were both nice and dirty when they got home, and it was a great outdoor adventure for Vera.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Playing in the Rain

It was a really hot and terribly humid Sunday afternoon.  We sweat all day.  A heavy rain shower rolled in that evening.  We were outside when the rain started.  Instead of heading inside, we sat on the porch, and Vera played in the rain.  She had so much fun!

Even when she plays in the rain, it's important to wear dress-up clothes.
When it comes to taking pictures, Vera always has a crazy face.  Someday she will look back and laugh at her ridiculousness.
She practiced her "scootering" the whole time.  As usual, dad had to make it some sort of competition or game and timed her "laps."

Our First Project in the New House

We decided to squeeze in one home project before the baby comes.  Adam gave me the choice between a new bathtub and fixtures or installing an office in the basement.  It wasn't hard for me to choose.  Since we've moved in, the room we designated as an office has been filled with boxes stacked along the perimeter of the room.  I put our card table to one side to serve as a temporary desk.  The truth is, the room was pretty much a disaster all of the time.  I strategically stacked boxes to keep Vince out of them, and I was completely tired of digging in a box each time I needed an office supply or file.  Inevitably, what I needed was always in the bottom box, way in the back.

So, around mid-June we started making plans.  We spent a few weeks shopping around for cabinets.  Both of us explored Pinterest for ideas, and we finally ordered our cabinets.  It took about a month for them to come in, so in the meantime I picked out flooring and started looking at counter top options.
The room is all cleaned out and ready for the flooring.

Around mid-July, the actual installation process began.  The prep work was fairly minimal: pop off the baseboard and level one small area.  Then, Adam installed the floor on a Friday evening, and he was fortunate to have lots of little helpers.

As usual, Vera is dressed in princess attire, and Vince is climbing and exploring every single thing.
Adam did a nice job and we were happy with how it turned out.
The next day, Saturday, Adam and Scott Magoteaux installed many of the cabinets.  They chose the most humid weekend of the summer to work downstairs.  Adam sweat through his clothes in no time at all.

 We're pretty excited with how it's coming together.  I can't wait to have storage and organization!

The project was at a stand-still for about 10 days because of our vacation.  But, when we came home, the final cabinets were installed.  In a week or two, we'll have a countertop installed.  Stay tuned...