Sunday, August 2, 2015

Our First Project in the New House

We decided to squeeze in one home project before the baby comes.  Adam gave me the choice between a new bathtub and fixtures or installing an office in the basement.  It wasn't hard for me to choose.  Since we've moved in, the room we designated as an office has been filled with boxes stacked along the perimeter of the room.  I put our card table to one side to serve as a temporary desk.  The truth is, the room was pretty much a disaster all of the time.  I strategically stacked boxes to keep Vince out of them, and I was completely tired of digging in a box each time I needed an office supply or file.  Inevitably, what I needed was always in the bottom box, way in the back.

So, around mid-June we started making plans.  We spent a few weeks shopping around for cabinets.  Both of us explored Pinterest for ideas, and we finally ordered our cabinets.  It took about a month for them to come in, so in the meantime I picked out flooring and started looking at counter top options.
The room is all cleaned out and ready for the flooring.

Around mid-July, the actual installation process began.  The prep work was fairly minimal: pop off the baseboard and level one small area.  Then, Adam installed the floor on a Friday evening, and he was fortunate to have lots of little helpers.

As usual, Vera is dressed in princess attire, and Vince is climbing and exploring every single thing.
Adam did a nice job and we were happy with how it turned out.
The next day, Saturday, Adam and Scott Magoteaux installed many of the cabinets.  They chose the most humid weekend of the summer to work downstairs.  Adam sweat through his clothes in no time at all.

 We're pretty excited with how it's coming together.  I can't wait to have storage and organization!

The project was at a stand-still for about 10 days because of our vacation.  But, when we came home, the final cabinets were installed.  In a week or two, we'll have a countertop installed.  Stay tuned...

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