Wednesday, August 5, 2015

July in Pictures

Vinners is as busy as ever!  He truly understands more and more each day.  He knows "So Big" and where to find his belly.  He also gives lots of snuggly hugs and says "ahh" while he's doing it.  He's cruising along furniture, standing alone, taking a few steps, and cutting more teeth.  
Oh yes, and he gets in to everything.  Here's one of his favorite places to play.
He still has such long eyelashes!
For his sister, dressing like a princess never, ever gets old.  She still dresses up almost everyday as she plays or watches TV.
Look at this hot dog!  He can make the tricycle go forward and backward with his feet.  He made his mom a little nervous that he would slip off and bust his head on the driveway.
Vera likes to look at pictures.  And, she's got her doc coat on here.  Always up to something pretend.
The day after Vince's birthday party.  No time for breakfast or getting dressed.  Too many new toys, so little time.  This may or may not have resulted in a few fighting episodes.

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