Monday, September 14, 2015

36 Weeks

The 36th week of pregnancy was not an easy one for a lot of reasons...

...The temperature was in the 90s for several days straight, and our house was not cool and comfortable in the evenings.  Because of the heat, I really started to swell a lot.  My feet and hands were so sore and tight from sunup to sundown.  Sometimes it hurt to grip a pen or even walk.  One day at school, I brought 3 pairs of shoes with so I could rotate them.  I tried to drink as much water as I could tolerate, and stay off my feet as much as I could.  I so desperately wanted to wear tennis shoes to school, but there was no way I'd be able to fit my feet in them.  I think my feet have physically grown a size or two in the last weeks.  Beyond the swelling, it seems like my shoes are all the wrong size.

...I started to get in the groove of the school routine.  Waking up in the mornings wasn't bad, but by the end of the day, my energy was completely gone.  I was tired and sore from being on the go all day.

...Vince spiked a high fever mid-week and was awake for about 3 hours one evening.  Between my lack of sleep because of discomfort and his lack of sleep, I really didn't sleep much at all one night.  I paid for that the next day.  Fortunately, Adam was able to stay home with Vince and took him to the doctor.  He checked out with clear ears and throat.  He perked up later that evening, and was back to himself 24 hours later.  But, that didn't end his rough week.  He took two hard falls throughout the week, one at Patty's and one at home.  At home, he busted his mouth open and we had blood everywhere.  His lip was swollen and very tender.  Luckily his teeth are ok, but he has a big sore inside his mouth as well.

...Vera developed a bad cold and low-grade fever late in the week.  She was congested and grumpy in the mornings.  It's been lingering for a few days.  The change in weather and temperature hasn't helped.

...Adam has poison ivy again!  This time it's by his eyes and on the tops of his feet.  Uck!  That stuff is so mean.  I pray that I don't get Vera's cold, but I especially pray that I don't get the poison ivy!!

...I was supposed to have my last ultrasound and testing done before delivery.  I got a call about 50 minutes before my appointment telling me the appointment was cancelled.  I was disappointed.  I just want to know that everything is good to go.  Only a few weeks to go.  Maybe more, maybe less.

On a good note...

...we do have a working list of names for this baby.  Nothing definite, but at least a few options that we both agree on.

...we (actually, my mom) found a nice, used crib that will work perfectly for Mr. Vince.  It's set up, cleaned, and ready to use.  We've started giving him naps in the new bed, and very soon he'll start spending nights in it.  Vera and Vin will share a bedroom for a while until we settle in and decide what will work best.

...I got my car seat clean and replacement straps for it.  (Our infant car seat, which was stored in the basement for about 4 months, attracted mold and mildew.  It was disgusting and depressing.  I went through a process of disinfecting, soaking, scrubbing and washing it clean.  Most of it cleaned up really well.  The straps were really stained and I was not comfortable putting a sweet, newborn baby in them.  Fortunately the manufacturer sells replacement straps that are fairly inexpensive.  I ordered a set, received them quickly, and Adam installed them easily.)

I hesitate to even share these pictures.  I was so upset about the mold and mildew everywhere.  Initially, I wanted to throw the whole thing away and buy a new one.  Through lots of research and cleaning techniques, it cleaned up fairly well.  In talking to a few people, I realized that this has happened to more people than I realized.  It made me feel better to know that my house is not unclean.  I guess car seats attract mold and mildew easily.

...I cleaned out a few drawers to make room for infant clothing.  Most everything is washed and ready to go.

...I started packing bags for myself and the kids.  There's a lot of things to still put in them, but it's started.

It won't be long now.  Can't believe it!

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