Baby Annie is six weeks old already! The last 3 weeks have gone by so quickly, and I think time is going to slip right by as the busyness of the holidays approach. I haven't done the best job of blogging Anne's milestones, but I did make a few notes on my phone as the weeks passed by so I wouldn't forget!
I love this picture. So alert. 16 days old |
The jury is still out on her eye color. I think they're going to be brown... 2 weeks old |
She has a cowlick right in front. It's one of the first things people notice about her. She can thank her dad for this trait. I know someday she will hate it when she can't get her hair to lay just right. |
Around 3 weeks, newborn clothes were too small for the little miss. Her toes were to the end, so we packed those away. It's always sad when they only get to wear the cute, tiny little clothes once or twice.
I remember telling Adam shortly after we came home from the hospital that 3 weeks is sort of a turning point with infants. At that time, I feel like I know my baby a little more and their little tendencies and personalities are starting to show just a little. We're getting (just a little) more sleep and therefore feeling a little more like human beings. In the looks of the pictures, that has rung true.
3 weeks |
Just a little peanut. almost 3 weeks old |
So peaceful 3 weeks |
First tub bath. Her cord came off when she was 20 days old. |
Since we've been home from the hospital, it seems like someone has had a cold. Vince has been teething for six weeks, so he's had a whole litany of issues. (Poor guy!) Vera has hacked around plenty. Adam and I both had coughs, and then poor little Annie got the stuffy nose at 4 weeks. She was so congested and she would gag and choke on the mucus in her nose and throat. I felt so bad for her, but unfortunately there was little we could do. Thankfully, she recovered after a week or two. She was a trooper!
At 4 weeks, Annie's first babysitter was Grammy for a few hours while I took Wild Man Vince to his well check and shots.
Little pumpkin Almost 4 weeks |
Bright eyes |
Her complexion is different than the other kids. She has such pretty olive skin. 5 weeks |
For the first month, Annie slept in the bassinet that Mindy lent us. Right around 4 weeks, we started putting her in the crib. She sleeps on her back at night wrapped tightly in her swaddle. She sleeps well with the swaddle; she's learned to associate swaddling with sleep. I think she likes having her arms tucked in nice and warm. The swaddle also helps her flailing arms from waking her up.
She also started to smile around 3 weeks. At five weeks, I noticed that she started to be alert and awake for longer periods of time. Now at 6 weeks, she's more generous with the smiles. She's starting to interact a little bit more.
We are starting to settle into a routine. Annie is a good baby. She eats about every 3 hours and nurses well. She's a little messy taking a bottle, but we're working on that. Her sleep is still very inconsistent. Some nights she'll go 5 or even a rare 6 hours. Most of the time it's about 4 hour stretches, but we still have a night or two where she's up multiple times. Recently, I have had trouble staying awake when I'm up with her at night. I think I even had a short dream on one of the nights as I sat up and fed her. Woops! I'm waiting for that magic 11 pound mark. According to the wives tale, that's when their little bodies have the ability to sleep through. Fingers crossed...
When she turned six weeks, I told Adam that I couldn't imagine having to go back to work already. Six weeks is nothing after having a baby, no matter how many babies you've had! His comment was, "Could you do it if you had to?" My response...yes, but waking up throughout the night would be a killer.
The older two have adjusted really well to having Annie around. Vera loves to talk to her and she's a great helper. Vince referred to her as "Vera" for the first weeks. Now he realizes that her name isn't Vera. When Annie cries, he points to her or will run up and to her. Sometimes he aggressively shakes the swing or bouncy seat. Other times he just looks for a moment and moves on. Annie does well lying on the floor, but we refer to it as The Danger Zone when the older ones are home. She is not safe for a moment. We lie right beside her and guard her little body when Vince comes by.
Vera likes to lie beside her and talk to her, especially when Vince is asleep. |
Overall, the little babe likes to be held and snuggled. In the evenings, she often sleeps on Adam's chest while he watches TV. I enjoy warm snuggles with her during the day. She likes to rock and be held close, which is fine with me. There's no rocking Mr. Vince anymore, so I appreciate rocking one of my babies.
6 weeks Starting to fill out and change her looks. |
Somehow, perhaps by coincidence, I've managed to capture of photo as she turns another week older. (With the exception of 3 weeks. Sorry, Anne. Every time I thought to take a photo, I was tied up doing something else and then forgot!)
At 2 weeks, she got all dressed up and went to her first bridal shower. As you can see, it was exhausting! |
There's a little smirk! :) |
Not happy about turning 1 month. |
That's better! |
When she turned 5 weeks, we went to have our Christmas pictures taken. I had no intention of buying the kids' pics, but Annie's was too good to pass up. |
And at 6 weeks, this little princess was baptized. |
Six weeks already! Slow down time, and stay sweet and snuggley, baby Annie.