Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Autumn Around Home

Fall is definitely here.  We have been so lucky to have nice weather.  (I have really lucked out--it's a great time to be on maternity leave!)  The kids and Adam have tried to be outside soaking in the last nice days as much as they can.  I've snuck out a time or two also.  It's been a little too windy or cool for baby Annie to be out.  So instead, I've parked her in front of the front door in her seat so we can look in on her as we enjoy the evenings outside.  It's sad to say that these nice days are coming to an end...

Adam's recent purchase was a leaf blower.  When we bought the house, we knew there'd be an excessive amount of leaves to take care of each fall.  Excessive is a good word...they've had several huge mounds like these.  Vera loves to "splash" in them, as she calls it.  On the first day, she was upset because it was too cold and wet to splash in the pile.  We assured her there would be more than plenty more opportunities for leaf splashing.
Belly flop by dad & Vera

Burying Vera Lou

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