Monday, September 12, 2016

Annie Pie!

Baby girl is 11 months old!  Too big, too fast!

I can't believe some of the things she can do already.  In my mind, she's still 8 months old.  :(
She can wave hi and bye, and sometimes she even says hi and bye.  She lights up when we walk in the room, and power crawls toward us.  We were driving home from school one afternoon and a song came on the radio that kept saying "whoa whoa whoa" over and over.  Next thing I know, Annie's in the backseat saying whoa whoa whoa over and over.  So cute.

Annie Pie can hold her own bottle, and still loves her blanket.  She buries her face in the blanket and grasps it tightly as she falls asleep.  Action and noise are her thing.  I guess she doesn't really have a choice there.  She turns her head quickly toward loud noises.

She acquired the nickname "Nee Nee."  Nora started calling her that over the summer, and it just stuck, even though Nora can say "Annie" now.  Vince still calls her "TeeTee," which resembles something like "sissy" instead of Annie.

As school started, she moved to a forward facing car seat.  She likes sitting up, and she especially enjoys aggravating Vince..  Little things set him off like touching his car seat.  A few weekends ago, he fell asleep in his car seat, and Annie put her foot in his nodding head, and giggled because his hair tickled his foot.  Annie thinks it's funny to annoy him.  I think she's going to be the orneriest one yet.  She sure has the ornery grin down.

I love this picture for so many reasons.  Annie's grin.  Pajamas.  Little toes.  Casual, impromptu photo.
We now have 2 kids that love this drawer.
She's super flexible.  Those legs can bend in all kinds of directions that look so uncomfortable.  
Her hair is getting long and thick.  Here she is with her first whale spout.  She looks so different with it, and so grown up!  Adam says she really looks like Vera here.
She's had a few tastes of table food.  Her first food was strawberries.  She's also had bananas.  She does really well at self-feeding, even though she only has 2 little teeth.  I think there's more teeth on the way.
We've started making some plans for her first birthday.  I'm almost in disbelief that she's really going to be one.  How fast a year goes!  Love you big, little Nee Nee!

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