Monday, September 12, 2016

Hard Working Boy

Vince loves to help his dad work on projects.  He genuinely tries so very hard to help and be involved.  We've had several home projects going on within the last month, and Vince has insisted on being involved.

They had to dig a hole to cement the basketball pole in place.  It was a rainy evening when they started digging.  Vince was wet, sticky and dirty at the end.  But he was so busy helping!

There was a pile of gravel on the driveway for about a week.  Vince scooped it, loaded it in his bike, buckets, flower beds, & spread it all over the driveway and garage.  So busy!
No "helping" from Vera.  She stays busy being a diva.

We also had to set a propane tank for our furnace.  Adam needed to dig a trench for the gas line.  Vince was definitely involved in the digging.  We had mud everywhere, including Annie's stroller.  His crocs were caked in mud, and they stayed that way for several days.  No reason to clean them.  He's going right back in the mud.  Such a boy!

 The gas line had to be run inside the basement, so here Vince is helping drill the hole.  He also loves to play with real tools, which makes me quite nervous.  But he insists, and he squeals and bucks when we take them away.

He's quite the boy.  We've had a rough start to the school year.  He was very upset about going to Patty's house without Vera for the first days.  But, Patty is remodeling her house, so there have been cement trucks and construction workers outside her window for several weeks.  Vince loves watching the trucks, so that's been a great distraction.  He doesn't cry anymore when I leave because he's busy looking for the trucks.

However, because of the noise and action at Patty's house, he hasn't been napping well.  He hasn't napped well at home either.  Between a new bed at home, a new school routine with early mornings, and the action at Patty's house, Vince hasn't been getting enough rest.  He has been really, really grumpy and difficult to please lately.  He's cried about everything and sometimes even refused to lay in his bed to sleep.  We put him in Annie's crib a few times because he really needed to rest but refused to give up.  Such a struggle!  Typical Vince.  Typical two year-old...kind of.

Refusing to take a picture or sit with dad for just one second.

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