Saturday, September 10, 2016


We've sadly bid farewell to summer, but we're still enjoying summertime fun.

It's been really hot!  Popsicles to cool down at the end of the day!
Vin had a drippy, sticky mess.  He's just not quick enough to eat them when it's so hot!
The basketball pole is finished, so that's been much of the entertainment in the evenings.

Vera spent one night with grandma at the campgrounds.  We also celebrated Nora's 2nd birthday while there.
Happy Birthday to this sweet and ornery girl!
She is just so funny!  My mom was holding Annie while we were visiting the campgrounds, and she said, "Annie's holding mamaw.  That's silly!"  She talks so plainly.  Reminds me a lot of Vera at that age!
I really hope we have a nice Indian summer and long fall, like last year.  It's great to be able to be outdoors on the weekends and evenings with the kids.  I don't want to think about the cold of winter!

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