Since the beginning of this year, we've been talking about getting Vera's ears pierced for Karen's wedding. The conversation would surface from time to time. Vera wanted it done, then she didn't. Back and forth for about 3 months. We decided that if we were going to get them pierced, we needed to wait until after softball was over. The first weeks of July came and went. Finally, I forced Vera to make a decision. I was fine with whatever she decided, but we needed to get it done if we were going to have them for the wedding (without being red, swollen and sore!)
She decided to go for it, so one Thursday afternoon, I hired a babysitter for Vince and Annie, and Vera and mom headed for The Jewelry Barn in Russia. Vera was concerned about how badly it would hurt, but she was a superstar through the whole experience!
Before picture. She brought Lambie along to squeeze in case she felt scared or pain. |
She wasn't too excited once we got to this point. She was really nervous and a little scared. |
The ladies at the jewelry store were awesome. They measured and marked her ears, and then pierced them both at the same time. I think Vera was shocked at how quickly it was over. She didn't cry one tear, and, surprisingly, didn't complain of pain or soreness hardly at all the rest of the day.
All smiles when it was over! :) |
She was so proud. She received a sucker and a certificate for being brave. Once we got in the car, we had to call dad and tell him all about it. The day after, she was dying to go somewhere to show someone her new earrings. Jeff, our neighbor, happened to be the guy. She walked over all alone (without me knowing) and told him she got her ears pierced. haha. Sorry, Jeff, you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. lol |
I cannot believe how well this whole experience has gone. I was dreading the first week of cleaning simply because I knew it'd be tender. But really, they weren't at all. Vera has been very tolerant of twisting and cleaning each day, and she's really excited to have these extra accessories for Karen's wedding.
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