Saturday, October 28, 2017

Pee Wee Cheer

The high school cheerleaders sponsored a Pee Wee Cheer clinic at the beginning of September.  Vera went 2 evenings in the second week of school to learn a cheer, chant and dance.  They performed at the football game later that week.  We had plans to go camping at Indian Lake that weekend with the Homans, so Dad, Vince & Annie went camping while I went to the football game.  We joined everyone at the campground after the game.

Getting ready to go!

We went to Best Bite Grill for dinner before I dropped her off.  Her smiles make me laugh.

The girls marched with the band from the old high school to the football field.  We had to talk about paying attention while walking so she didn't fall and get hurt before the game.  It's been known to happen, after all.

Vera's current close friends: Karly to the left & Cadence to the right.

These pictures are compliments of Rosie.  They turned out really cute.

It started to rain hard during their halftime performance.  After halftime, we said a quick goodbye and ran for the car because it was raining hard & we were not at all prepared for rain.  Vera had fun & slept the entire way to Indian Lake.  It was a busy week, after all.  She had soccer practice, cheer, and CCD...something going on every night.

The next day at the campground, Saturday, was Nora's 3rd birthday.  We celebrated at the campground that evening with homemade ice cream, cake and gifts.  The kids had a blast adding their own sprinkles to their ice cream bowls.  There are always things that kids are allowed to do while camping, that they'd never be allowed to do at home.  Being in control of their own sprinkles is on that list. 

We had nice weather.  It was one of those fall days where it was hot with long sleeves and/or pants and cold with shorts and/or short sleeves.  The evenings were chilly, especially Saturday night.  The guys burnt all of the firewood that evening.  There was no wood left to cook breakfast on Sunday morning, but that was ok; the hot fire felt good on Saturday night.

Happy Birthday, my sweet godchild!

The kids spent hours playing in the dirt under this little tree near our site.  Some neighbor boys joined them later in the day, and Vince loved it because they contributed more trucks and tractors.  The kids were covered in dirt by the end of the day.  Literally covered--in their nostrils, ears, hair, corners of eyes...but they had fun. 

Vinners played by himself in the dirt quite a bit.

The picture doesn't show just how dirty they were.  

On Saturday night, it started to get pretty cold by the fire.  The guys were intently watching the Buckeyes game, so we put the kids in the camper to play and keep warm until it was time for bed.  Cute picture.  Lasting memories.

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