Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas...

Vera was thrilled to put up the Christmas tree over Thanksgiving Break.  She couldn't believe that we have so many Christmas trees in our house.  (Two larger ones and three other small decorative ones)  Grandma came over on Wednesday night and helped Vera put ornaments on the big tree.  As any two year-old's decorating abilities go, lots of ornaments were placed like this... the very bottom and right next to each other.  When we were all finished decorating, I kept thinking that the tree looked really bare compared to previous years.  Then I moved my focus to the bottom of the tree, and saw plenty of ornaments crowded together there.  Needless to say, I moved a few around when Vera wasn't paying attention.  (My mom never did such things, did she?!)

When we went to decorate the smaller tree in the living room, I put the lights on first.  When I came back with the decorations, Vera had already surprised me with these decorations...

...The dang patches!  Thanks, Marlene!  After I told her to take them off the tree, she couldn't wait to help with the real decorations.

On Saturday afternoon, Santa was at the Winery.  Vera was pretty crabby about going, but after we talked to her about being on the "nice list," she warmed up to the idea.  I threatened to ask Santa for his phone number so I could call him when Vera wasn't acting like a big girl.  It wasn't crowded at all when we got there.  Vera walked right up to Santa, said hi, and told him that she wanted Ariel for Christmas.  He asked her if she's been a good girl this year, and then she smiled for a nice picture with Santa. 


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