Sunday, December 15, 2013

St. Nick 2014

St. Nick visited our house last Friday evening.  He slipped in while Vera was taking a bath, and no one in the house even heard or saw him! 

We talked through the week about who St. Nick is, and Vera wanted to write a letter to Santa.  So I sat down with her and we wrote her first letter to Santa.  Here's what she had to say:
Since writing this letter, Vera has spent a lot of time asking us what we want for Christmas and recording our wish list in her tiny notebook.  It's pretty cute. 

She tucked the letter in her stocking, and anxiously waited for St. Nick to come and take the letter away. 

St. Nick was good to Vera this year.  She received a Sofia amulet, which she absolutely loves.  She also found a new book in her stocking, along with some sweet treats.  Mom and dad had candy in their stockings, and St. Nick also brought dad a new pillow.  He must've known that dad's bed pillow is in sad shape!!

Right away, she had to put on this tutu so she could look like a true princess.  I asked her to stop and take a picture.  This is the face I got; she was much too busy being a princess to stop and take a picture. 

Also, sitting on the shelf near our stockings was an elf!  Vera was so excited to see him because she just watched the show about Elf on the Shelf earlier that day.  She decided to name the elf Chippy, which happens to be the name of the elf on the show.  She knew right away that we can't touch Chippy or he'll lose his magic.  When we asked Vera what Chippy will do, she seemed well-versed in what he's going to do: he will watch and listen to everything that Vera does throughout the day.  Then at night, he'll fly back to the North Pole and report to Santa everything he saw and heard.  Before we wake in the morning, Chippy will fly back to our house and sit in a new spot to watch and listen. 

Since then, we have really enjoyed finding Chippy each morning.  We've found him on the Christmas trees, hanging from the ceiling fan, and even sitting on Vera's headboard.  There have been a few occasions where I've had to talk to Chippy about Vera's behavior.  But, Vera must be on the nice list because this week we found Chippy sitting under our Christmas tree.  He brought a small surprise for all of us!!  Vera unwrapped a new Sing Along CD.  Dad received golf balls, and mom found a new Christmas CD.  Cool!

We have another 9 days of Chippy watching and listening.  Let's hope we can all stay on the Nice List. 

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