25 weeks 2 days |
I've been fairly forgetful with the details of this pregnancy. I was several weeks late in getting some blood work done. I have a hard time remembering how far along in the pregnancy I am. Before 29 weeks, I have to do my 1 hour glucose screen, and I can't forget to do that on time!
I haven't had too many strange cravings; it's been mostly the usual that I had with my other kids. Ice cream, cold cereal and sweets have always been favorites. This time around, anything with lemon has been a weakness: lemon pudding, lemonade, lemon cake, iced tea lemonade, water with lemon.... I guess there are worse things, right?
I had an ultra sound at 18 weeks, which was earlier than any of my other kids. Dr. Budhadev did the ultrasound, which was also a different experience. Everything looks healthy and normal. I only came home with 3 pictures, which aren't the best shots, but it's nice to have them. We did not find out the sex of the baby, though it was tempting.
We've started to talk about names a little bit. Girls names have always been easy. We have a few prospects for a boy, but none that we're completely set on. We've also started to talk about sleeping arrangements for Vince and the baby. In our best interest, we decided to get another crib so we can contain both kids. Vinners is too young to sleep in a big bed; he will be up and roaming around all the time if he has that freedom.
It's also starting to set in for me that life is going to be pretty crazy for a while. The more active Vince becomes, the more I realize how challenging this will be. But, I keep reminding myself that once we settle into a routine, that will help a lot. Vera will become more independent, and Adam does a great job of helping out. We're excited to watch our family grow, and anxious to meet the littlest Pearson.
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