Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer Shenanigans

Hooray for summertime!  Our family has thoroughly adjusted to our summertime routine, and we love it!  Adam and I so appreciate having a more relaxed evening where we don't feel pressured to get the kids bathed and to bed by 8.  The kids (and I) have adjusted to sleeping in, and I'll continue to savor it for just a few more months.  (Another baby will surely bring sleep deprivation!)

We've already enjoyed backyard pool time, sprinkler fun, public swimming pool days, camping weekends, picnics in the park, library time, plenty of playing at home, and of course summertime projects around the house.

June has been so filled with appointments too...OB appointments, dentist, eye doctors, and hair cuts!  Right now we're busy getting ready for Vinner's first birthday party.  (Cannot believe it!)  We've also begun to install a home office in our basement.  I'm so excited to have storage and organization in that room!  July will be a fun month.  We have a camping trip scheduled and vacation to Norris Lake.  August will also be fun, but busy: another camping trip planned with friends and lots of planning and preparing for a new baby!  Oh yeah, and getting ready to go back to school.  But, let's not talk about that now.  Here's what we've been up to...

Vera and I have done a few crafts while little brother naps.  As you can see, she needs practice using a scissors, and I got the raw end of the deal.  She chopped the skin right off the top of my knuckle and it bled like a stuck pig.  She got me good!

This rotten boy is in to everything.  He stands more than he sits in the bath tub.  He's taken a few spills that weren't so graceful, but he still hasn't learned to sit on his bum!

Loves playing in the pantry and especially loves that silly yardstick.

Father's Day.  First time for Vince in the water table.  First sprinkler day for Vera, and she absolutely loved it!

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