Tuesday, June 30, 2015

First Trip to the Dentist

Vera had her first real appointment at the dentist last week.  She was not excited about going at all.  I assured her that I would go first, and it wouldn't hurt a bit.  After my appointment, she was fighting back tears, saying she was scared, especially of the suction straw.  But, she was intrigued by my goodie bag filled with a new toothbrush, toothpaste and floss.

The hygienist did a great job with Vera.  They explained everything to her in terms she could understand, and they were excited and positive about everything.  Vera was very brave.  I think having Disney Jr. on the TV helped a lot too.  ;)  The dentist and hygienist both commented several times on how tiny her mouth is.  And then, Dr. Phil commented that usually the patients with the tiniest mouths are the ones who do the most talking.  He sure is a smart guy because that couldn't be more true with Vera!  :)  Vera had two x-rays taken of her teeth, and she did super at sitting still.  The x-rays showed good news: no cavities!

Vera was so thrilled to pick a prize from the basket, and especially to bring home a goodie bag with the same surprises as mom.  She did an excellent job.  On the way home, she told me that it was fun to go to the dentist, and she had to call dad to tell him all about it.

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