Friday, June 12, 2015

A Rough Start to Summer

Monday, June 1 was my teacher work day at school.  Mr. Vin woke up with a 102 fever that morning.  Knowing I only had an hour or two of work to do at school, I sent him to Patty's.  At 10:00, I picked him up and took him to the doctor.  He checked out with clear ears and a negative throat culture.  We went home, and tried to rock and relax.  It turned out to be a miserable evening of crying and moaning in pain.  Something was definitely not right.  

At 5:30 on Tuesday morning, Vinners was awake and screaming.  After gulping his bottle, I tried to rock and comfort him.  Nothing worked.  He cried all morning.  He didn't want to sleep, he didn't want to play or rock or anything that I offered him.  It was a total flashback to the first months of crying that he did.  I was so frustrated and felt so bad for the poor guy.  At 8:15, I called the doctor's office back.  We went back to be checked out.  Once again, his fever was still high, but had clear ears.  We tossed around a few ideas, and eventually decided on Amoxicillin for a possible UTI.  

Just miserable!

A few doses of antibiotic and constant Motrin did not help.  He was still fussy, squealing and uncomfortable.  Finally, on Wednesday morning, he cried himself to sleep because he was refusing a nap.  He slept for 3 hours and woke up without a fever.  He was slightly more active, but still squealing about every little thing and not himself.  

This was really not himself.  He fell asleep in his seat within 3 minutes while I was cleaning strawberries in the kitchen.  

The fussiness and squealing went on for several more days.  We could tell he was feeling better, but he was just not happy.  While we were camping, he slept and ate well, but wasn't too happy for very long.  Finally on Monday, one week later, he perked up and stopped the squealing and neediness.  Thank goodness!  We have no idea what he had, but we're glad it's past and looking forward to a healthy and fun summer!

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